Law firms invest time and money in case management software, often considering document management after the fact. Case management keeps a busy law firm on track by organizing data and moving cases along. Document management(2a) is one very significant component of case management. Creating, saving, and accessing the appropriate case-related items (such as pleadings, medical records, and contacts) will make or break your ability to get the best result for your client in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
Our Document management solution(2a) allows you to tracks document information also allows you to easily search for and access any and all documents your law firm has ever created. If an attorney needs to write a case motion, our document management solution(2a) allows that attorney to find all case motions filed against a specific client. Our Document management software(2a) tracks document-specific information.
Law firms lose a lot of information over time, and especially in a mid-sized to large law firm, documents can disappear. If documents are kept on individual computer hard drives, and a computer crashes or its user leaves the firm, this “knowledge” may be lost. A document management system allows your law firm to retain documents, notes, emails, and other items associated with its cases.
Document management allows any attorney or staff member to reap the benefits of years’ worth of law firm institutional knowledge. For example, your firm’s newly licensed attorney can search for motions for summary judgment in order to learn quickly how to draft such a motion. You have reduced the learning curve for that new attorney, saving the firm time and money.